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IDEA Lab Exhibit: Art and Archive Exhibition - Senior Exhibitions Class In-Person

Under the direction of Professor Milt Friedly, each student enrolled in Art 498, Senior Exhibitions was asked to create a work in a media of their choice that was inspired or influenced by historical or current events on the campus of Elizabethtown College. Students were asked to work from the college archives and from the direct environment of the college campus, present or past.

The outcomes are six unique voices inspired by their college surroundings, campus life and campus history. The students, Kayla Donaher, Darby Haynes, Jillian Harrington, Lily Harris, Matthew McCorkle and Ashley Van Dunk used a variety of media to express college life including, campus architecture, dorm life, cherry trees by Lake Placida, a historical photo collage, sports balls retrieved from out of bounds and a depiction of an old student drawing. Professor Friedly will make a work for the exhibition.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 Show more dates
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
High Library - IDEA Lab
  High Library IDEA Lab